Toby the Quiet, Little Man

Toby the Sheltie was the perfect little gentleman. He was the most considerate, most self-effacing, quiet little man one could ever meet. Toby was the little dog standing quietly to the side waiting his turn while other dogs were jostling for treats. He was the polite little boy standing at the door waiting to be invited in. He was the one who took your treat with the greatest care and then rewarded you a funny, little rabbit-like smile.

He was the one with the grateful looks, and the sweet smiles. He was the shy one who stood at the side of the dog run but when invited to the party would joyously run and romp with his new buddy.

Toby was a rescue, but also a childhood dream fulfilled for 2 young ladies who had wanted a dog for all their lives. In their words, he was the most ideal dog anyone could ask for. He was good with everyone, vets and groomers alike, never reacted to humans or dogs. He was super chill and never complained of boredom, got frustrated or clamoured for walks. He even fell asleep during vaccination and while lazing in a swimming pool.

He was food motivated and therefore an excellent pawdel!! He had a sneaky side too, he knew how to manipulate his humans to solve pawzzles for him by pretending to be dumb. He was full of love and gave it to everyone he met. Toby always put everyone before him, even in sickness when he held on for an entire week as his body failed so his family and extended aunties & uncles had time to say goodbye to him.

Run free, quiet little man! Go with our love! 🌈💗

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