What does love smell like? Funnily enough, love smelled like roast duck on Wednesday.
We were cremating a little dog and along with a stack of wang shen mantra papers (往生纸) were two plump roasted duck legs, fragrant and glistening. We knew immediately that this little one had been much loved in life and roast duck had been a favourite treat
.Somehow this endearing practice has evolved, some owners ask that their pets be cremated with their favourite foods so that they will be able to enjoy them from across the Rainbow Bridge. From roast duck to plump mussels, jerky, rice grains, birdseed to freshly cut fruit, they are lovingly placed around the head of the little one.
Flowers are tucked in around the little body, sometimes pretty little mums and orchids, sometimes sweet roses or big dramatic lilies or even huge bunches of powder blue hydrangeas. No expense is spared, flowers are sometimes heaped so high only the head remains visible.
Go with our love, little one, it smells of love around here!