Pretty Face Junior

Junior the Corgi could have been a superpawdel 🥰🥰 With his knowing Corgi eyes, his beautiful Corgi smile and his cheeky little tongue he exuded confidence, optimism and good nature from every pore.

And that was also how the sweet baby lived life. He regarded life as a continuous stream of positive experiences and looked forward to his 3 favourite phrases – gai-gai (walkies), mum-mum (food!!) & Happy Meal (self-explanatory)! His little face would light up anytime any of these 3 phrases were uttered and he would be there primed and ready with megawatt smile plastered all over his dear little face. This little boy was generally up for anything, he loved spending time with his dear family and his bubbly, good nature would always bring them such simple joy that washed their cares away. He loved his squeaky toys and playing hide & seek, peeking out from behind a pillar and almost bursting with delight and excitement.

Junior would have told you that he wasn’t just a pretty face. He was Head of Security, please have some respect here! He was a friendly and well mannered security guard, making sure he greeted each family member enthusiastically when they arrived home, but also an extremely conscientious security head, subjecting them to a detailed sniffing to ensure they had no other doggos smuggled on their person nor had they been consorting with unknown external threats. Junior demanded absolute loyalty!

Sadly 7 year old Junior was struck down in his prime. He was diagnosed with lymphoma last October but instead of the 2 months prognosis his vet gave, Junior fought for a total of 10 months, cherishing every second with his family. Junior crossed the rainbow bridge a couple of weeks ago. His family are griefstricken, but trying to come to terms with their loss, remembering the beautiful years he gave them and all the memories he wrote on their hearts.

Run free sweet Junior, go with our love! 🌈💕

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