Big Personality JJ

Sometimes all you need is a do over.

JJ had too big a personality for his first family and they decided to rehome when he was only 8 months old.

Such a big change was challenging for JJ, especially as he was transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. But his second family family was fully committed. He was regarded as a member of the family from the moment he came home to them.

JJ was right in the thick of things as the family grew. Watching over his human siblings as they joined the family. Present at every beach outing, visit to the park and family gatherings.

He was such a good, sweet boy, obedient and devoted to his family that he stole every one of their hearts and those of close friends as well.

JJ took a bow after 15+ richly lived years with his family. His family miss him terribly. 😢😢

Take care dear family, JJ is running free across the rainbow bridge, heading to the beach for a swim with his pals and sending you his forever love.

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